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Son of a Serendipitous Glitch! - Brainstorm Project 1

By letting go of all control and leaving the computer to its own devices, in a sense, it's challenging to come up with a cohesive theme. However, generating random words and sentences has created interesting visuals in Night Cafe and Mid journey. For example, the images generated below remind me of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso's work.

The Cubism movement is similar to glitching, as artists distorted images to show many points of view. Glitching can transform images by doing the very same by breaking the code of the file.

For the project, I want to focus on creating "acid" looking visuals with bold colors by glitching images in Audacity and then glitching more with pixel sorting - hoping to make a combined wave effect that can create visually pleasing visuals for music. In Audacity, I would apply one effect, then continue using multiple effects from echo, reverb, and distortion to capture the various glitches forming. Finally, by tracking the process of glitching images, I'll create GIFs of the images "breaking" in photoshop and combine cohesive ones into a video with an audio track with the aim of the serendipitous aesthetic that is seen in many moving visuals for music.

I would then data mosh the glitch video to further experiment and explore the art of glitching. This will require testing the type of frame to change, delete, or duplicate in order to generate the most movement.

I also will look to create a collage combining various sections of accidental glitches from multiple images to form an intentional glitched image.

Inspiration Bank

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